Real solutions based on
a proven process

Biotechnology has historically required exorbitant costs and timelines to commercialize. Our precision fermentation process addresses the barriers that have challenged the industry for decades: Demonstrating robust bioprocesses at scale for multiple products with unparalleled speed and capital efficiency.



DMC’s Dynamic Metabolic Control™ technology platform combines a standardized, 2-stage fermentation process that decouples growth from production and dynamically employs gene silencing and targeted proteolysis to create a genetic network that is optimized for product formation.


Robust bioprocesses in real-world environments

Traditional microbes used in fermentation processes are sensitive to a range of standard process conditions and commonly require numerous cycles of process development for every new strain and at every new scale. The DMC technology limits the ability of the microbe to respond to the environment, enabling a standard process that is independent of the specific product or scale.


Predictable scale-up from concept to commercial

We are the first in the industry to demonstrate statistically predictive performance from high-throughput scale to bench scale for multiple products. In addition, we have shown predictability with multiple products at demonstration scale and even full commercial scale with our lead product. This enables unprecedented development speed and capital efficiency for our industry.


More cost-effective, more sustainable.

Our technology is more efficient, resilient, and results in a lower overall cost. This lower cost of development means more: Sustainable bio-based chemicals now compete with petroleum-based options. Local production in lieu of risky and environmentally costly imports helps to unlock a more predictable and sustainable future.

Enabled bY Dynamic Metabolic Control™

A standardized, 2-stage process that decouples growth from production in combination with gene silencing and targeted proteolysis to dynamically simplify biology.