May 13, 2021

DMC’s Downstream Processing Proven At Scale

13 May 2021 – DMC Biotechnologies has completed downstream processing for its first product, the amino acid L-alanine. The downstream processing was done at EW Biotech in Leuna, Germany following the successful demonstration of commercial scale fermentation at the same site in March.

The purification of L-alanine from the fermentation broth was successfully completed for more than 6,000 kg of product. Product release testing has demonstrated that rigorous customer specifications for L-alanine were met.

Demonstration of the purification process and achievement of product specifications is the final proof point for DMC’s approach to producing L-alanine. As announced on 21 April 2021, L-alanine is now available at commercial scale following execution of a manufacturing agreement with Conagen.

Matt Lipscomb, Ph.D., CEO & Co-Founder of DMC said, “We recently announced the successful full commercial-scale demonstration of our fermentation process. Historically, fermentation scale-up has been a major stumbling block for early-stage companies. Delivering products to customers also requires successful purification and demonstration that the product meets the required specifications. We now have product with demonstrated quality metrics enabling customer adoption.”

Dr.-Ing. Markus Fritsch, Senior Project Manager at EW Biotech said, “It was a demanding project at a very unusual time.  Preparations for the downstream processing (DSP) implementation in our facility went in parallel to the fermentation scale-up activities. With the deep contributions from our network of long-term partners we were able to deliver product that met target specifications. Thanks to DMC and our operating team at EW Biotech for making this project a joint success.”


DMC’s Downstream Processing Proven At Scale

EW Biotech Facility


About DMC

DMC is a US biobased chemical company that makes products using microbial fermentation. Their proprietary technology simplifies biology and makes fermentation more predictable, robust, and efficient. DMC is on track to address two of the global challenges of our time: sustainably and affordably feeding a growing world population and reducing greenhouse gas emissions through efficient production of (bio)chemicals.
For more information, visit:

DMC media contact:

Kathryn Sheridan
Sustainability Consult
[email protected]

About EW Biotech

EW Biotech is a leading service provider in the field of process development, scale-up, and custom manufacturing of biotechnological processes and products. For more information, see or follow us on LinkedIn.
EW Biotech contact:

Isabel Waengler
Global Sales and Business Development
[email protected]

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